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Avenue Confidential

2023 - 2026 Grant Offer


2023 - 2026 Young People Target


Project name: CashBack – Connecting through Creativity

Age range: 10 – 25 years

Number of Young People Project expects to work with: 192

CashBack – Connecting through Creativity uses creative activities and art to enable children and young people (aged 10 to 25) to explore and maintain positive frameworks for relationships in their personal lives. Children and young people often struggle to put their feelings into words. Using creativity and art, they are supported to explore a range of issues including trust, relationship building, emotional literacy and positive ways to work through difficult feelings.

The project is enjoyable and therapy-informed, with the flexibility to respond to individual need. Trained creative practitioners will engage children and young people in a programme of (on average) 12 group and 3 one-to-one creative sessions that will focus on relationships, while parents/ caregivers will also be offered group and one-to-one sessions alongside, to build their confidence and understanding. Programmes will culminate in a workshop/ exhibition/ celebration event delivered by the children and young people, working together.

Through CashBack – Connecting through Creativity, children and young people will develop positive relational connections with the practitioners, their peers in the groups, and their families. It will build confidence and key skills such as communication and planning and provide positive activities that are shared and celebrated together.

Areas where project is delivered:

Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire