Project name: Generation CashBack
Age range: 10 – 25 years
Number of Young People Project expects to work with: 8,000
Generation CashBack is run by Youth Scotland, Scouts Scotland, Girlguiding Scotland and the Boys’ Brigade. The programme supports disadvantaged young people across Scotland to benefit from community-based youth work. Reaching 8,000 young people over three years, we will deliver CashBack outcomes through two strands:
Local Development Officers will enable groups to increase their focus on: tackling anti-social behaviour, delivering diversionary activity, and other issue-based work such as ACEs awareness and climate action. LDOs will support groups to: recruit volunteers, upskill youth workers, deliver new activities, and will also provide capacity-building funding (up to £2K). Using a needs-analysis approach, we will develop existing groups in disadvantaged communities. Where there are no youth groups found, we will support local communities to establish groups.
We will deliver leadership and peer-mentoring opportunities across a variety of themes including physical activity, climate action, youth participation and positive mental health. Young people will be supported to put skills into practice in their communities, and gain a range of youth awards that are designed to meet their needs and improve education and employability options. Young people will co-produce three national ‘Reach’ events, themed around health and wellbeing, climate action, and youth voice.
Areas where project is delivered:
Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Angus; Argyll & Bute; Clackmannanshire; Dumfries & Galloway; Dundee City; East Ayrshire; East Dunbartonshire; East Lothian; East Renfrewshire; Edinburgh City; Eilean Siar; Falkirk; Fife; Glasgow City; Highland; Inverclyde; Midlothian; Moray; North Ayrshire; North Lanarkshire; Orkney; Perth & Kinross; Renfrewshire; Scottish Borders; Shetland; South Ayrshire; South Lanarkshire; Stirling; West Dunbartonshire; West Lothian
Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
Please find a link here to Youth Scotland’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) in respect of this CashBack for Communities project.