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Scottish Football Association

2023 - 2026 Grant Offer


2023 - 2026 Young People Target


Project name: CashBack Achieving Goals        

Age range: 10-25 years

CashBack Achieving Goals uses the power of football to provide young people with routes to learn, build confidence and skills, volunteer, and gain qualifications to divert them from taking part in antisocial behaviour or involvement in the justice system.

The project has three strands: Alternative Football, Alternative Education, and Volunteer Inspire Programme.

Alternative Football
We provide opportunities for young people aged 10-18 to participate in sport and a range of activities tailored to the needs of 12 participating communities. This includes providing holiday hunger projects during the school holiday periods.

Alternative Education
This strand focuses on tailored educational programmes based at local schools in areas of social deprivation, targeting young people at risk of involvement in the justice system.

  • Primary schools run a 12 week ‘Football Champions’ programme for P5-P7 young people to gain leadership, confidence, and football skills
  • Secondary schools run a 12 week ‘Football Leaders’ programme for S3-S5 young people to gain leadership, introduction to football coaching, and other skills

Volunteer Inspire Programme
Our targeted volunteer programme includes four workshops and offers young people the opportunity to gain formal qualifications.

Local authority areas:

Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Clackmannanshire; Dundee City; East Lothian; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Fife; Glasgow City; Highland; Inverclyde; North Ayrshire; North Lanarkshire; Orkney; Renfrewshire; South Ayrshire; South Lanarkshire; West Lothian