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Mayfield and Easthouses Youth 2000 Project

2023 - 2026 Grant Offer


2023 - 2026 Young People Target


Project name: CashBack 180

Age range: 11 – 21 years

Number of Young People Project expects to work with: 280

The CashBack 180 service will work with young people involved in/at risk of becoming involved in anti social, offending and/or risk taking behaviour through the delivery of targeted programmes and activities, providing them with the support to make positive changes in order to work towards more positive futures.

We will build on the success of the existing service, expanding the level of support on offer, delivering a range of preventative, early intervention and intensive supports. The CashBack 180 team will provide young people with opportunities to explore positive alternatives to risk taking behaviours and respond appropriately to identified needs. Young people will be able to access informal drop in sessions, individual supports and group work activities, all year round.

As a result of their involvement with the service, young people will have reduced levels of offending, feel better supported and have improved mental health andwellbeing. The project will introduce young people to other organisations who may be able to offer employment or further education opportunities and support with increasing personal skills.

Areas where the project will be delivered


Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Please find a link here to Mayfield and Easthouses Youth 2000 Project’s Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) in respect of this CashBack for Communities project.