Project name: CashBack NorthEast
Age range: 10-25 years
CashBack NorthEast engages disadvantaged young people to support them to overcome barriers and prevent involvement in the justice system or reduce reoffending. Using media as a tool for engagement, we provide opportunities to develop skills and work experience.
The project has three strands:
- Youth Media Project
Youth Media Project provides person-centred creative opportunities for young people aged 10-18 from the regeneration areas of Aberdeen. We deliver support, motivation, skills development and learning through exciting and creative mediums. We encourage participants to set bold but meaningful targets for self-development. - Training Academy
Our Training Academy offers coordinated support to young people attending secondary schools across the region. Targeting pupils who have been identified as unlikely to secure a positive destination, we deliver a needs-led, positive hands-on experience, developing personal and vocational skills through media and employability modules. We also offer workplace visits and work experience placements. - Engage
We support young people in the community who have experience in the justice system, with a focus on breaking the cycle of offending. We provide meaningful group activities and opportunities for ongoing volunteering, and a holistic and person-centred support service.
Local authority areas:
Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire