Project name: SSF – CashBack Changing Lives
Age range: 10-25 years
CashBack Changing Lives provides a range of activities in areas of multiple deprivation with young people whose communities are most affected by crime. We use trauma-informed approaches to deliver multisport and youth work programmes to change and improve young lives.
The programme includes:
- Street work
Working with young people who are involved in antisocial behaviour, establishing and building positive relationships to engage them in positive activity. - Chance:2:Be
Offering a safe place to engage in learning and access pathways to education, training, or employment. Designed for young people who are disengaged from education to provide alternative education and personal development. - Young Leaders
Our leadership programme for SSF young people to become volunteers within their local community. - Twilight
Our diversionary multisport, physical activity, and issue-based youth work programme, which we deliver in communities experiencing high levels of antisocial behaviour. Designed to increase physical levels and support young people to build positive relationships with their community. - Education and Training
We offer accredited modules delivered to young people, supporting them to achieve qualifications at a pace appropriate for them in a secure and safe learning environment.
Local authority areas:
Fife; Glasgow City; North Ayrshire; Stirling