This Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week, we celebrate how CashBack projects are supporting young women and girls. Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week provides a chance to inspire and support every woman and girl in Scotland to get active. This year the theme is Leadership, and we’re celebrating the many ways women […]
Leo’s journey to cease offending and find employment demonstrates the value of peer support. CashBack VOW Project is delivered by Police Scotland and Aid & Abet. The project aims to support young people aged 16-25 who have had involvement in the criminal justice system into positive destinations. Alongside police officers and peer mentors, participants create […]
One young person’s journey participating in the CashBack Passport project at HMYOI Polmont and in the community. CashBack Passport is delivered by Access to Industry. The project engages young people aged 16-25 in custody prior to liberation, and on a community outreach basis, to build on their employability skills. Through their caseworkers, participants also receive holistic […]