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G4S Street Rugby

Sponsored byG4S Events, Street Rugby is a portable and flexible version of non-contact rugby used as a low-level diversionary activity in areas of urban and rural deprivation, where young people are less able to take part in sporting activities. Rugby Club development officers tailor the sessions for each group to find a way to engage with the young people through activities such as games of tag rugby or passing practice.

G4S Street Rugby logo

The format of G4S Street Rugby is completely flexible and can be taken into communities and set up almost anywhere. The key is that the club development officers (CDO’s) find a way to engage with the young people they find there. The CDO’s will lead whatever activities they think will suit the participants such as small-sided games of touch or tag rugby, practice passing and kicking skills, or help burn off some energy and aggression using the contact pads. Sessions will be tailored to suit the numbers of players, their level of skill/experience, and what they would like to try.

G4S Street Rugby brings the activity to the young people and ensure it runs, without any dependence on a particular type of facility or specialist equipment. it is vital that the Community Safety Partnerships support the activity and are best placed to direct  the programme to the areas that require the activities, at times with the best chance of engaging with the targeted age groups.