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Change Programme

The Change Programme aims to improve the outcomes for young people by engaging them in positive activities that divert them away from at risk and anti-social behaviours and supports them to develop the skills and abilities they need to change their lives and future potential for the better. It will provide pathways into formal education and learning and into employment and volunteering.

In each city the Change Programme delivers one youth specific Street Soccer drop in session. This session is particularly targeted at 16 to 25 year olds who face multiple exclusions and present with high risk and vulnerability and provide regular opportunities for young people to increase their physical activity levels, improve their fitness and lead to improvements in physical health and well-being.

The programme also includes:

  • Weekly drop in sessions
  • Personal development workshops
  • Football Works & accredited learning
  • Peer mentorship
  • 1 to 1 support
  • Volunteering

A number of volunteering opportunities have been developed as part of the programme. Young people will be able to volunteer to lead and deliver drop-in sessions and to become peer mentors for other young people in their communities.

It is anticipated that 50 young people a year will take up volunteering opportunities both within Street Soccer (Scotland) and their communities.