We are pleased to publish the external evaluation reports and case study reels covering the project activity for CashBack for Communities. We are also delighted to release an animation which succinctly captures the impact of the programme, the scale and power of change it has successfully brought to many thousands of young people in Scotland. Transforming lives and continuing to give hope for a better tomorrow.
Between 2017 and 2020, CashBack for Communities has reached more than 106,000 young people.
Over 69% of the young people involved have been from the most deprived neighbourhoods in Scotland.
Around half of participants were young women, and half were young men.
Taking part in CashBack has had a significant impact on the confidence, skills, aspirations and wellbeing of young people. Providing more opportunities to progress into training, education and employment. Increasing attendance and attainment and school. Reducing anti-social or criminal behaviour.
Thank you to the many staff across 17 organisations that delivered our CashBack for Communities projects, and has made life-changing opportunities and meaningful change to the thousands of young people in Scotland that have participated.
For more information please see our evaluation report, summary report and case study reels.