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Schools of Rugby

Scottish Rugby has launched  26 Schools of Rugby (SoR) in secondary schools across the country, providing a package of resources to enable more staff to deliver thriving rugby programmes across the schools’ networks.

The broad rugby programme consists of rugby teams for all ages, opportunities for the development of girls’ teams, and non-playing opportunities for senior pupils. It also develops rugby coaching, refereeing, and volunteering in local primary schools and rugby clubs.

A focused programme for a number of S1 and S2 pupils allows them to receive up to five curricular and extra curricular sessions per week. 500 S1 & S2 pupils are currently involved in the focused programme with hundreds more benefiting from the broader programme across the schools.

The aim of the School of Rugby is to create an environment where sport will make a significant contribution to the delivery of A Curriculum for Excellence by playing a central role in the life of the school. It provides a context for learning inside and outside of the classroom to help improve the fitness and physical literacy of players, ultimately contributing to greater educational attainment.